Robert Abel - Healing Power Ministries


Robert Abel was driving home from work one evening when a drunk driver veered into his lane of traffic. He hit the brakes and tried to maneuver around the obstacle, but there wasn’t enough time. After clipping the other vehicle, his car flipped upside down into the oncoming lane of traffic where he encountered a head-on collision with a school bus.

The impact was devastating. Just as his body was about to be shredded over the sharp edges of metal and glass, God appeared. Miraculously, the Lord’s angelic army ripped a round hole in the side of Robert’s car and rescued him from the near-death experience.

Lying on the pavement next to his front tire, Robert had suffered a broken collarbone, compound fracture to his thumb, and severe damage to the ligaments and tendons in both knees. Because he didn’t have medical insurance, he found himself lying on his parents' couch a few days later, crippled and unable to walk.

In the midst of his anger, pain, and hopelessness, Robert forced himself off the couch and began to walk. It was through this act of endurance, faith being set into action, that the Lord miraculously healed his legs without surgery. A few days after rising off his parents' couch, he was back behind the wheel driving.

Since that time Robert has been living an exciting adventure with the Lord. Through his ministry efforts, he has witnessed many miraculous healings and profound conversion experiences. Today, Robert is the director of Healing Power Ministries. He spends his time helping others heal through counseling sessions and healing seminars.

To schedule Robert Abel for a speaking engagement, please contact Catholic Speakers Organization or view Robert's Bio and Profile online.

For more information please visit: Robert Abel's Home Page.



Healing Conferences & Healing Seminars




Catholic Healing Ministries